Reading Power
Hi I’m aj Hogue the author of effortless English learn to speak English like a native I train you I teach you I help you speak English fluently speak English powerfully speak English confidently speak English effortlessly when you join you commit you must commit don’t quite commit don’t quit to my VIP program at commit don’t quit this is the key to success
today we’re talking about the power of reading, the power of reading following up on a video that carol or VIP member carol posted on gab I posted it again and today I’m going to talk about it because it’s a great video by a really great researcher into language learning someone who influenced me a lot dr Stephen Krashen it’s actually a speech he gave at my university now I did not get my I did not go to the I did not attend the education department at the University of Georgia that’s where he gave this speech I believe but the university of Georgia is my university we’ll talk about it I think this fits our challenge of course quite well because we are doing our listening and reading challenge listening and reading and it’s it’s interesting we call this a synchronicity guys synchronicity it’s an here’s a nice word for you synchronicity it was a song by the police but the uh the word synchronicity is kind of like coincidence it’s kind of like a coincidence it’s when two or more things happen that somehow seem to fit it’s usually a positive thing usually this is usually used in a positive way a fairly positive way so coincidence is two things happen that seem connected but probably not connected but synchronicity it’s describing the same kind of thing but it has more of the idea that maybe there’s more than it’s more than chance it’s not random maybe there’s some kind of uh spiritual or psychological force that’s uh making it happen what am i talking about well so three things happened in the last two days can all connected to the same idea number one i have been listening to the mini stories a lot a lot a lot in japanese and i started getting a little starting a little tired as i’ve said before so i’ve been now i’ve been wanting to go wide and i’ve been wanting to get more vocab right to get and to do a bigger variety of things and so i’ve been just realizing yes in the last couple days i need to do a lot more reading i need to do a lot more reading in japanese and specifically i’ll be doing um a lot of manga and anime subtitles that’s what i’m i want to focus on
and then carol posted the video about dr krashen and the title is the power of reading the power of reading which is also the name of one of dr krashen’s books so number two i’m just thinking about reading and i need to read more and then carol posts this of course we’re doing the challenge it makes sense and then steve kaufman just posted a video about how he’s going to be reading more and trying to get wider you know listening to and especially reading a wider variety of things to increase his vocab so it’s kind of these boom boom boom in the last two days these three things all happen at the same time kind of a synchronicity no i don’t think it’s anything magical i think it’s just uh just you know we’re doing a reading challenge now but it kind of they all go together and they fit so it’s a good time to talk about reading i think today’s it’s a good time to talk about it we’re doing our challenge our last month i’ve been focusing on the listening so much maybe i haven’t talked about reading enough so this is a good opportunity to talk about reading and the power of reading what i’m going to start with first is showing you dr crash’s video the one that carol posted because i would like you to go and watch it uh because it’s it’s good practice for you because it’s course it’s the speeches in english so this is on youtube and you can find it let me just show you on the screen if you’re watching on the screen let me there you go if you’re watching on the screen you can see the title of the video it’s a youtube video it’s uh it’s from the university of georgia college of education go dogs and the title is the power of reading stephen krashen stephen stephen crescent st we pronounce it stephen stephen krashen uh it’s but it’s it’s his name is spelled p s-t-e-p-h e n stephen krashen k r a s h e n if you’re listening if you’re watching you can see it on the screen all right so the power of reading is the title stephen crash and if you just do a search for that if you also put um georgia university of georgia in your search you’ll definitely find this video the power of reading stephen krashen so i it’s it’s almost an hour and it’s him giving a speech about well guess what the power of reading and how reading is so powerful for language learning and for many many many many different reasons so i highly recommend go and watch this full video on youtube just do a search the power of reading stephen krashen do your best if you don’t understand all of it it’s okay but just try give it a try see if you can understand all right next he also has a book guess what the name of the book is the same the power of reading let me find it on my screen here
second guys let me oh yeah okay let me move it for those of you watching on the video you can just see this is the amazon I’m showing you but you can see again the name of his book is the power of reading insights from the research and again the same person Stephen Krashen if you are if you’re interested in the research behind all of this then uh that’s a good book if you’re not interested in the research just watch the speech
all right let’s just talk about it now the power of reading and let’s just talk about a few of the things that are
improved when you read and why reading is indeed so powerful and I’m going to pull up one second because I’m going to pull it up an hour of reading I have oh I don’t
one second crash and yeah i have it here’s his book so i’m going to pull up the e-book and just going to scan i’m gonna just read you a little bit from his book steven crash’s book about some of the some of the reasons you should read and why reading is indeed so powerful indeed okay so first of all number one reading helps your native language and it helps you with foreign languages so it helps with both okay so a lot if extensive reading meaning reading a lot of things reading a lot of things helps with you know improving your ability to speak your language of course to understand your language and uh and it helps with grammar it helps you improve your grammar both your spoken grammar and your written grammar in your language and in any foreign language it is the number one super powerful way to grow your vocabulary there’s really nothing better there’s no better way that i know and i don’t know of any research any better way to grow your vocabulary to learn more words right than reading extensive reading that is the number one way to do it reading reading reading that’s it not uh vocab books not flash cards not
.any apps not any other kind of software not uh toefl book
لیست کلمات مهم:
به مبارزه طلبیدن:challenge
توافق, همزمانی:Coincidence
روحی, روانی:Spiritual
به بالا کشیدن:Pull sth up
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