Business English Course
Hi I’m aj Hogue the author of effortless English learn to speak English like a native I train you I teach you I help you speak English fluently speak English powerfully speak English confidently speak English effortlessly when you join you commit you must commit don’t quite commit don’t quit to my VIP program at commit don’t quit this is the key to success
is the business english conversations course i’ve been talking about it talking about it talking about it finally ready finally available and as i said i am finally for vip members sending you a discount code so you get a discount a very nice discount on this course use it fast i’m just going to show you very quickly the website
so to get that business english course go to my website it’s you can just go to the bottom of the page the course catalog if you want you’ll see business english course or if you want the full website it’s effortless english club dot com slash business english
so either way you go to the website at the bottom there’s a menu that has all my courses business english course and it’s effortless english club dot com slash business english here you see the site if you’re watching on video this is the the page where you buy my business english course and it says you know you can see the headline start speaking business english today and improve your career so this is important because this is a course that teaches you business english with real idioms and real conversations but the other thing about this course i think that makes it special that makes it different is it’s a career course it teaches you how to make more money in your job in your career it teaches you how to do job searches in a very powerful way how to make a good resume and cover letter a whole system for job searching that is very very very effective that i used many times in my career early on
did you how to do and perform well in job interviews in english or in your language it teaches you how to manage your career so that once you have a job you can get better jobs and get paid more and make more money so really managing your career to make the most money you can and to get the best jobs you can the most enjoyable the most meaningful jobs and that’s what makes this different because you know i always teach more than just english just i always teach english but it’s i want to give you real life skills something useful and so this is a career course too and then you know you’ll see on this page it says do you want more freedom do you want to earn more money in your job do you want better more interesting jobs more success i say don’t studying business english textbooks
learn how to speak business english like a successful business person learn how to think like a successful business person in this course i’m teaching you how to think like a business person most employees don’t think like a business person they have employee thinking and this is why they’re they’re very limited this is why they have a hard time getting new jobs this is why they are stressed about getting jobs about applying for jobs about searching for jobs they’re stressed about job interviews they’re stressed about resumes because they don’t really know how to think like a business person so even if you don’t start your own business you’re not an entrepreneur you still need to think like a business person because that’s how you make the most money and get the best jobs and have the least the smallest amount of stress in your working life and i teach you how to do that and my father does too because i did this course with my dad okay and on the page you’ll see me there with my arms folded the picture looking very businesslike in my nice suit
all right and then just i’m just kind of going through the page just to show you the page where you buy the course another headline says are you nervous in business english meetings and business meetings sorry are you afraid to give business presentations in english do you need business english to succeed with your job and your career and you can learn to speak business english like a successful business person learn business english from successful businessmen and so here you know i introduced that this is actually a course that i made with my father so there’s two of us this is our names are george hogue and aj hogue so george that’s my dad and you know we are not only english teachers we’re also successful businessmen and my dad had my dad kind of more of a traditional businessman and a traditional career where he worked in a large company it was ibm a big huge company for most of his life
and he has a master’s in businessing you know i’m not in business english he has a master’s in business an mba he was a manager and did very well in that corporate world that big business world and so kind of the very traditional kind of business and career that’s his experience in his mindset which is nice it’s good it’s useful a lot of people want that i on the other hand as you probably know not like that at all i hate big companies uh working for them uh i find those jobs to be super boring i’m an entrepreneur i started my own business i always hated working for other people but i know how to think like an entrepreneur i know how to think like a business person because i am one i understand marketing i understand uh you know persuasion i understand these things and how to use them in your career even if you are not an entrepreneur you can use these same skills to get paid more and have a better career and to get a job and to have less stress all of these things and so what’s interesting about this course i think just my personal what i am excited about the course is that the course is based on conversations between my dad and myself and so you’re getting these two quite different perspectives right points of view you’re getting the point of view of my father who had a very traditional and successful career in a big company and you’re getting the point of view from me of an entrepreneur someone who’s started his own business also successful but but in a much more um a much less traditional way more kind of you know new business entrepreneur online marketing all that kind of stuff and so i think what’s interesting is that we do often agree on things you know there are certain principles that work for both that are important and you’ll hear those in the conversations as my dad and i discuss them and then also in each unit you get a a commentary you’ll get one from my dad and one from me and sometimes we have different ideas so he might give you some advice and then i give you different advice i think this is good because it depends on your personality you can decide which one fits you better are you more like my dad more traditional you work in a large company you want that kind of career you’re more focused on security and things like that that’s great then you get some great advice from my dad because he was very successful in that kind of career if you’re more like me if you’re more into being creative and you want freedom and flexibility and then you get some kind of creative innovative ideas from me and you can choose those if they fit you better or you can do both right a lot of times you can use take some great ideas from my dad some great ideas from me and they will really combine them to have a lot of success so that’s i think it’s very interesting in terms of the english this these are real conversations so we did not have a script we’re not reading okay we’re not reading a script hi dad let’s talk about resumes okay aj let’s talk about you know we’re not doing that that’s crazy as stupid we’re just saying you know we just said we’re sitting we recorded these in hawaii actually and we just would choose the topic we said let’s okay let’s talk about resumes how to make a great resume so you can get a job interview so let’s just talk about this topic and how you do it and what makes a great resume and then i just said all right ready yes go and we hit record and we started talking that’s it so that’s that we just chose the topic that’s all there’s no script it’s very natural conversations in each unit and that means that you get a like i’ve as i have said my dad uses a lot of idioms just naturally i don’t i don’t use so many i use some you know all native speakers use some but i just naturally tend to use less just my speaking styles my personality whatever and my dad naturally is his style that he uses a lot more but that’s nice because you would get a lot a lot a lot of idioms uh in from the conversations mostly from my dad and of course they fit into these business topics so you’re getting this very natural business english a lot of business english courses are too formal much too formal but you know in real business in the real business world especially americans i would say north americans because it includes canadians uh people are fairly casual fairly casual even in a business setting so i think it’s a much more natural real kind of business english rather than what you often find
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